In August, a series of devastating fires swept through the beautiful island of Maui, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Residents were forced to evacuate, many trying to salvage their belongings, while colleagues and friends were directly impacted by this tragic event. Despite the hardships faced, the spirit of Maui remains strong. We’d like […]
travel tips
Airport Travel Tips and Amazon Essentials
Embarking on a journey is a thrilling experience, filled with the promise of adventure and discovery. Yet, for many travelers, the thought of navigating bustling airports and ensuring a seamless journey can be a source of stress. Fear not, for we’ve got your back! In this blog, we’re about to embark on a journey of […]
MAST’s Amazon Travel Must-Haves
As we plan new journeys and seek thrilling experiences, one thing remains constant: the need for reliable travel essentials. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a novice explorer, Amazon has become a treasure trove of must-have items that enhance our travel experiences. From ingenious gadgets that simplify our packing pains to innovative gear that elevates […]