Russia in Wintertime

Long Dark Nights, Magical Christmas Lights Winter Lights Traveling to Russia in the wintertime may seem a little out of the ordinary, however, traveling New Year’s week is something very special. Russia celebrates New Year’s Eve on December 31 and Russian Orthodox Christmas is always celebrated on January 07. A recent visit to St. Petersburg […]

St. Petersburg, Russia – Former Capital, Vibrant Seaport

Ballet At Catherine the Greats Private Theatre The city of St. Petersburg is a relatively new city as it was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. It’s often referred to as the Venice of the North because of the beautiful palaces situated along the sixty-five islands that make up the city of St. Petersburg. […]

Moscow Moments

Gum Department Store Red Square, Kremlin, Metro and the Russian Orthodox Churches For our journey to Moscow, we traveled by train from St. Petersburg. The Sapsan, Russia’s fast train took four hours, was very comfortable and had a dining car. Because we traveled in the late afternoon it was already dark and we were not […]

Globetrotting in Southeast Asia:Laos

As a post tour after our Enchanting Vietnam and Cambodia tour, ten of us ventured on to Laos. Vientiane is the capital city.  Our guide, Saly, had to load our luggage via the back window of the little orange bus.  We then spend the day visiting many temples with amazing Buddas. on to The charming […]

Globetrotting in Southeast Asia:Hanoi City Highlights

A day in Hanoi will include an understanding of Confusionism, Buddhism, and Taoism with visits to Temples and Pagodas. A sombering visit to Ho Chi Mihn, and an invigorating rickshaw ride surround by thousands of motor scooters.

Globetrotting in Southeast Asia: Hanoi War Museums

Long our guide points out where the real war took place.Our in-depth study of the Vietnam War began at the Maison Central better known as the Hanoi Hilton Prison. Our guide Long shared stories told to him by his father who was a Col. in the North Vietnam army.  When we visited the War museum […]